Thursday, April 3, 2008


I don't have very strong feelings about podcasts and library involvement and I don't see them as something that would be a high priority for us to create at our library. It'll be interesting to see if they catch on at other libraries.

If copyright wasn't an issue then I think it would be a wonderful idea to have a bedtime story podcast read by the children's librarian and updated on a weekly basis. This would be a good way to reach out to families at a time when we're most likely closed or when the children's librarian is typically unavailable.

Podcasts might be useful to supplement a library's foreign language learning collection. For example, if a patron was interested in learning French but all of the French language books on CD were checked out, the librarian could search for podcasts. (And there are many out there!) The patron would need to have access to the technology, of course, but at least it would offer another option to be able to help them right then and there rather than having the patron have to wait for a hold. There are probably other reference applications as well.

1 comment:

Who is Benny 2.0? said...

The ideas about bedtime stories (in either audio or video format) is intriguing, especially for those weeks between Story Time sessions. A video tour of the library is also something relatively easy to put together.